Cat Refuses to Let Baby Sleep Alone – Surprising Reason Leads to a Call to Police

breaking the news to their family, and to their cat was already a challenge in itself. The problem was not with how the pregnancy would turn out, but since their cat has already become part of the family, the goal was to make sure that their cat understood what was going to happen and react in a manner that they could manage.

Then one day when Luna finally noticed that Jennifer was pregnant she started meowing at Jennifer’s belly repeatedly. Imagine seeing your pet pay so much attention to only one part of your body. It seems fishy and unexpected. Luna did not seem happy with the pregnancy, she started to act really weird. Jennifer got really scared of this strange behavior.

The choice of whether or not they would be keeping their cat or not was rummaging through their brain. They either lose a valued part of the family or they endanger the life of their precious gift. No one has the easy task of making this decision and for Jennifer it wasn’t a walk in the park either, but she had to choose.

They could not figure out what was triggering this behavior. Did Luna feel threatened or was there something wrong with the baby that Luna could feel? Could Luna handle the fact that her owners will now divide their attention between her and their new baby? Jennifer had to get answers, and quickly before it would be too late.

When the baby was born, all that was left to do was handle the situation at hand and see what the true issue is. Some parents would immediately take their baby home with ease, but Jennifer did not have the same scenario they had, she still didn’t know how Luna would react and didn’t want to harm her child.

n the first few weeks, everything seemed to go fine. No one wants to make their baby feel uneasy or would they sleep at night not knowing what can happen. Both Jennifer and Julian were home to care for their little girl. Luna seemed to have calmed down. But when they started working, Eve called them with some concerning news.

Thing is, Luna wasn’t exposed to the baby right away and when they were separated or when Luna was not yet introduced to Lily she acted in a manner that concerned Eve. It’s as if Eve had an added challenge of how to handle Luna since she was far from her owners, the next best solution would be to handle it face on.

She told Jennifer that Luna refused to let Lily sleep alone. Luna would not leave her side. Jennifer was totally baffled. When she told Julian he did not think much of it. What they didn’t expect is that Luna wasn’t rowdy nor erratic when exposed to the child. Luna was just caring for Lily, he thought it was beautiful. 

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