Cat Refuses to Let Baby Sleep Alone – Surprising Reason Leads to a Call to Police

When the couple thought that Luna would be attacking the baby, the complete opposite happened. Luna didn’t attack the couple or Lily, she attacked Eve who was just baby sitting. Who would have thought Luna would react in such a manner and no one knew how to handle the situation.

Then one day Eve called in distress, she had separated Luna from Lily and after returning downstairs, she was attacked by Luna. The cat never had any sign of aggression to such an extent since she was a house cat. Luna was definitely overprotective, Julian knew that Luna had to be punished for this behavior.

They are separated from their owners, now the main challenge is, was it because of Lily? Who would have thought?
With a heavy heart, he returned to the veterinarian, and the vet gave Julian a choice. He could bring Luna to a shelter or he could figure out why Luna was acting this way because the vet had a feeling something was off. Even the vet knew there was something wrong but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

Julian took offense to a comment that the vet made, he said to Julian that they were probably the problem. Luna did not trust them to let Lily sleep alone. However, Julian knew deep down that there was something else. He could not be the problem, could he? For a while, they decided to observe Luna together with Lily.

Lily seemed to love the cat, and Luna definitely loved Lily, but they could not say goodbye to Luna because she was overprotective. The problem was every time that Julian would bring Lily to bed or Lily fell asleep Luna would be at her side. Julian just accepted the situation, until one day Eve called that she was bitten by Luna. This gave Julian a sudden realization.

Julian realized that Luna had only reacted really strangely when Eve was around. Luna was calm when she was not around. Eve must be the problem! He knew it! Jennifer told Julian that he must calm down, but she refused to let Julian do anything erratic.

They could even keep an eye on Eve during the day. Eve seemed to be hesitant about Julian installing cameras in the house. She asked if it was necessary, and what caused this.Luna was still very protective. Luna constantly kept an eye on Eve. It really started to look like Luna did not trust her. Julian wanted to confront Eve.

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