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Dog with malformed face dumped by family: Then angel arrives and makes everything right

Lucky had little reason to enjoy his life. All of the owners and families who he had been with neglected him; none were interested in showing him the love he deserved.

Born at a puppy factory, Lucky never found someone who wanted him to adopt him. In the end, he was given away free of charge.

The reason? Lucky had a malformed face and didn’t look like other dogs.

Lucky spent his life being passed around from place to place – never living in one house or having the chance to prove himself. Often, he was passed to the next owner for free; no one wanted to keep him for long.

Over the years, Lucky has had plenty of owners, but not one of them really attended his needs properly. Most recently, he lived with a family in Austin, Texas, but he was sadly neglected and left to fend for himself.

Since the family’s cats didn’t like Lucky being there, he had to stay outside 24 hours a day.

He was left in the yard, tied to a tree, without proper food or a comfortable place to sleep. The idea of being fussed, or getting the care and love a dog might usually benefit from in a home, was out of the question.

When the family decided to move, the call was made to get rid of Lucky without a second thought.

They contacted a dog shelter in the area. Volunteers from the shelter began looking for a new place for him to stay, while Lucky was left with his ‘family’ until they moved house.

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