Devoted Bald Eagle Mom Gets Buried In Snow As She Keeps Her Eggs Warm

Talk about a devoted mom: This bald eagle let the snow pile up around her while she kept her eggs warm.

This snowy photo was snapped from a live feed of a bald eagle nest in Codorus State Park in Hanover, Pennsylvania.

The mama bird withstood cold temperatures and driving snow to protect her babies. The images are from Thursday, when a winter storm brought several inches of snow, but if you check in on the live feed you can see things still look pretty chilly in the family’s nest.

According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, which hosts the live cam, bald eagles stay warm in the winter by fluffing their feathers and eating lots of extra food.

Related: Bald Eagle Rescued From Certain Death

Be sure to check back in on the nest once the weather warms up to see the little hatchlings!

Live Bald Eagle Nest Cam

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