Dog Apology Bow For His Owner Made Him Better Than Some Humans

Dog Apology Bow
Dog Apology Bow

Not all pets recognize their wrongdoings but this dog apology bow for his owner made him better than some humans. Ettore is a different dog that recognizes his mistakes and apologizes on the spot. A Facebook user named Anthony Federica Granai is Ettore’s owner and their video spread quickly on the internet and got millions of views.

Whoever says that dogs don’t feel us or dogs don’t express their emotions and feelings is wrong and this video is enough to prove that. The video uploaded to Mr. Granai’s Facebook page and immediately people started commenting and sharing it as they liked the dog’s polite behavior.

The owner was sitting on the couch and looked at the dog and said to him “ are you asking me to forgive you”. The dog kept looking at Mr. Granai in the eyes for a few seconds and then ascended to his lap and gently leaned his head on his owner’s chest and begged for forgiveness.

We don’t know exactly what the dog did wrong, but we know for certain that his owner accepted his apology and hugged him affectionately.

Isn’t the dog’s gesture adorable? We can’t help but watch the video. The dog looks regretful and apologized. his apology was accepted and peace was made.

Don’t forget to share this with your friends and e-friends.

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Posted by Anthony Federica Granai on Monday, September 14, 2015

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