15 Things To Do When You’re Struggling In Life

8. Remind Yourself That Your Now Is Not Your Forever

There’s no denying that struggles in life can easily lead you to believe that no matter what you do, things will never get better, and your life will never change. 

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Remind yourself that tough times never last. The struggles that you are experiencing now are not permanent. Trust that things will get better for you. 

There is hope and there is truly light at the end of the tunnel. Take it from someone who has been stuck in a very dark and deep hole for years. 

9. Be Gentle With Yourself

Stop being so hard on yourself. Constantly criticizing and putting yourself down is not going to help you overcome life’s struggles. In fact, it’s only going to make it worse. 

Learn to be kind to yourself. Stop being your worst critic and learn to cheer yourself on. Recognize and celebrate all your wins, big or small. Be proud of yourself for fighting and for doing the things needed to change and improve your life. 

10. Keep Going (Even When Things Don’t Work Out The First Time) 

When you’re going through tough times and struggling in life, it’s so easy to just raise your hands and give up when things don’t work out. 

It’s so easy to feel discouraged and disappointed when after all your efforts, things are still falling apart. I feel you. I’ve felt like this for so long and sometimes I still find myself here. 

But I’ve realized that if we give up right away when things don’t work out, we will never be able to stick around long enough to overcome our struggles and improve our lives. 

Remind yourself that as hard as it may be, you have to keep going, keep trying and never give up even when things are tough or when everything around you is going wrong.

11. Remember That You Are Strong And Brave

Life is hard. There will be life struggles that are going to test every ounce of strength in you. You may think that you will never be able to overcome this or get through this. 

You may start to believe that you are just not strong enough to turn your life around and change it for the better. 


You have to remind yourself that within you lies invaluable strength and courage that will get you through life’s struggles and challenges. You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. 

12. Live One Day At Time

When you are faced with so many struggles, it’s so easy to let your minds spiral into constant “what ifs”. It’s so easy to live every day worrying about tomorrow. 

I was guilty of this too. There were days when I was so overwhelmed because of constantly worrying about the future. I was paralyzed. I couldn’t focus and I was so overwhelmed to even get up and do something. 

It’s important to remember to take it one day at a time. Learn to live in the present moment. Just breathe and take each day as it comes. 

Remember that dwelling on the past or worrying about the future is not going to help you overcome your struggles today. 

Focus on the present moment. Focus on the things that you can do now to pick yourself up and the things that you can do today to change your life for the better. 

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