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Police Rescue Neglected Toddler Who Survived By Breastfeeding From Dog

A 2-year-old boy who is believed to have been saved from starvation by breastfeeding from a dog, has been rescued by police.

The malnourished toddler was seen by a neighbor feeding from her pregnant dog at a scrap metal yard in the desert port of Arica, Chile. Sadly, Arica is an area of the country where thousands of people live in extreme poverty.

The motherly dog is named Reina (“Queen”) and belongs to Lory Escudero. It was Escudero who first spotted the boy with her dog and contacted authorities.

Police said that the boy was found in a state of abandonment and in conditions that were “completely inhumane”. According to 24Horas.cl, the boy was also found to be suffering from a skin infection and lice.

He was taken to hospital where the boy’s mother later showed up drunk. Although the boy’s mother was not arrested, the boy is currently in the care of child welfare authorities while the case goes before the courts.

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