Lion Jamu Receives A Daily Hairspray As Part Of His Beauty Treatment

British animal wrangler Alex Larenty risks his life daily so he can trim, primps and polishes a massive lion.

Theses impressive pictures show the fearless 50-year-old, from Breaking North, gladly fluffing the mane of large maneater Jamu at the Lion Park near Johannesburg.

He likewise sprays the 9-year-old monster with special lion hairspray, provides him a manicure as well as even massage therapies his feet.

British animal wrangler Alex Larenty sprays Jamu the Lion with unique Lion hairspray at the Lion Park in Johannesburg, South Africa

As well as it’s done in the name of making him attractive to the contrary sex.

Former truck driver Alex claimed: ‘I make use of a hairspray that offers Jamu’s hair a shiny luster as well as hides his gingerness.

‘ That makes him more appealing to a companion.’

Alex also gives Jamu a manicure and also massage therapies his feet to aid him come to be extra appealing to the opposite sex

Alex relocated to South Africa in 1999 and has actually been a pet fitness instructor for 35 years

Having raised lots of lions from birth, Alex is able securely to walk into the center of Jamu’s satisfaction and also play games while bordered by substantial varieties of the enormous killers.

He has claimed formerly: ‘I accumulated a partnership with Jamu with putting insect repellent onto him, which is necessary here to keep our pets shielded from points like bloodsuckers.

‘He at some point knew he loved to be scraped and also tickled.’

The 208-acre Lion Park residences over 300 pets consisting of lions, cheetahs as well as hyenas.

Having actually reared numerous lions from birth, Alex is able securely to stroll into the middle of Jamu’s satisfaction and also play games while bordered by big varieties of the large killers

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