5 Powerful Ways To Focus On The Good Things In Life

4. Recognize Your Efforts And Celebrate Small Wins

It’s easy to take our efforts for granted, especially when we are being hit with one problem after another. It’s easy to ignore everything that we have accomplished and overcome and focus solely on the challenges and setbacks.

But recognizing our efforts and celebrating even the smallest wins is vital for maintaining motivation and helping us focus on the good things in life. I know that doing that is not always easy, especially when our progress feels slow or insignificant compared to the goals and standards we have set for ourselves.

If you feel this way, please know that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. Every step forward, no matter how tiny, is still a step in the right direction.

We have to remind ourselves that big achievements are often the result of many small and seemingly insignificant steps. So please, remember to pause and give yourself credit for all the hard work that you’re doing.

I know that life can often be difficult and challenging and yet, you are still fighting, that alone speaks volumes of your resilience and strength.

Know that every time you choose to get back up and keep going, even during the darkest days, is a testament to your invaluable strength and unyielding spirit. Please give yourself a huge pat on the back.

Please know that you are more than just surviving, you are fighting, learning, growing, and becoming stronger every single day. Continue to believe in your abilities, focus on your progress, and know that every challenge that you overcome is another step towards your growth.


5. Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude journaling is a powerful tool in helping us focus on the good things in life and develop a more positive outlook. I wasn’t really keen on the benefits of journaling, especially gratitude journaling. I thought that it was just another self help fad that wouldn’t really make a difference in my life.

It was actually when I was struggling so badly that I decided to try this. Every day felt like I was constantly hit with one problem after another and one disappointment after another.

I was so consumed with negativity to the point that I started feeling more and more hopeless and defeated every day.

It was an act of desperation to find even the smallest sliver of hope and positivity that pushed me to try gratitude journaling. I started writing three things I was grateful for every single day.

And let me tell you, most days I struggled to write anything at all, especially on days when everything in life goes wrong but I continued to push myself and I wrote even the smallest things, like good weather or the comfort of my bed.

Over time, these seemingly insignificant things started to add up and it served as a reminder, especially during those hard days that I was still blessed and that there was still hope.

It helped shift my perspective from focusing on the things that were going wrong to appreciating the things that were going right, no matter how small.

Somehow gratitude journaling became one of the ways for me to keep holding on to the light even in my darkest days. It wasn’t just about writing down positive things, it was more about actively searching for them in my everyday life.

Doing this helped me find the strength and hope that I needed to keep going and to keep trying despite all the challenges that I was facing.

If you want to give it a try, start by writing down just one thing you’re grateful for each day. Remember, it doesn’t have to be something big or extraordinary. The key is to stay consistent. Make it a daily habit and soon you’ll start noticing more and more things to be grateful for.

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