To Save this Abused Dog’s Life the Rescue goes Above and Beyond
Annie’s rescuer are not giving up after not receiving the justice she deserves. The WOOF Pet Rescue helped Annie with her recovery inside and out. They also work determined to bring her rapist to justice. Because of the high expectations for Annie, Krissy Mosbarger kept her scientific files carefully. She did everything for Annie to win her case in court.
Krissy Mosbager reported: ,,We’ve done everything we can to be as prepared as possible. Annie’s extensive scientific records have now been compiled. They’re almost 2 inches thick! Any time I go. Every activity. Each and every process. Each and every invoice. Along with specific photographs of her at various points during her terrifying journey. We’ve got this lock, stock, and barrel. I understand that at least one other expert in this case has been subpoenaed as well, which will be particularly useful. It is our hope that the courts will understand the evidence provided, as well as Annie’s incredible struggle. She is an incredible little girl with an incredible zest for life. But she had to go through hell to get here, and we don’t want her or her children’s pain to be in vain.’’
Related: Stray Dog Begs People to Adopt him at the Garbage Dump
The justice system unfortunately doesn’t function always the way we want to. It’s. Clear that the fight is not over yet. With the help of ,,Annie’s Army’’ Krissy swore to exhaust all of her legal options in order to get Annie’s justice.
“She was once found not guilty because the DA’s workplace failed to use the evidence that had been gift-wrapped for them. The defendant said Annie was a wild stray that was no longer hers. We had proof from the woman who gave Annie to Maranda, but we didn’t count the amount…
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[…] most touching moment of the whole situation was during the drive. One dog was so grateful to the woman that he grabbed her […]