The Legend of Geronimo


Geronimo was born in No-doyohn Canon, Arizona, June 1829, near Clifton, Arizona, from the Bedonkohe Apache tribe.

He was named Goyathlay (One Who Yawns) the fourth in a family of four boys and four girls. In 1846, when he was seventeen, he was admitted to the Warriors ‘ Council, which allowed him to marry. He was soon allowed to marry a woman named Alope, and the couple had three children.

The tribe, at peace with the Mexican cities and nearby Indian tribes, moved to New Mexico in the mid-1850s where they could trade.

They’ve been camping outside a Mexican town called Kas-ki-yeh for several days. The rest of the men went to the city to trade, leaving a few warriors to guard the camp.

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Many women and children who told them that Mexican troops had invaded their camp met them when they returned from town.

They went back to camp to find their guard guards killed, and their horses, provisions and weapons were gone. Even worse, there were also many women and children killed.

Goyathlay’s daughter, mother, and three children were among those who lay dead, and as a result he despised all Mexicans for the rest of his life.

It was his family’s slaughter that made him a brave warrior from a friendly Native. He soon joined a fearsome Apache tribe known as Chiricahua and engaged in several attacks in northern Mexico and across the border into U.S. territory, now known as the New Mexico and Arizona states.

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1 year ago

I have read this great mans historical stories quite often and am appalled at the treatment the Native Americans received from both the Mexicans and the White Americans. It was a travesty and was an attempt at genocide. I have a very small percentage of native American in my blood line from my seventh Great Grand Mother from the Great Lakes area. Have always loved the history, legends and sacred rites of these Great People. Have visited some of the places Geronimo was held captive such a sad experience.

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