Rescued lion says goodbye to savior after 20 years together

Jupiter passed away 2 years ago, but he will always be remembered.

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2 Responses

  1. August 15, 2022

    […] and playful the entire morning, their playful behaviour is also a way in which these young lions hone their skills for later on in life, when they will need to stalk, chase and hunt their own […]

  2. August 21, 2022

    […] The lion has struck up a sweet little friendship with the most unlikely critter — a squirrel with whom he is happy to share his food. “Every day Güero loves to get a little whipping cream after he finishes his meat, and the squirrel has decided he likes the whipping cream just as much!” the sanctuary wrote on Facebook. “It’s been a scene we see repeated more and more often, and we wanted to share the ‘sweet’ bond they have with you!” […]

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