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Man spends a year befriending a homeless cat to gain his trust

Man spends a year befriending a homeless cat to gain his trust

For a little more than a year, a man named Lex, who didn’t consider himself particularly fond of cats at first, attempted to make friends with a homeless cat in order to earn his trust.

He was, without a doubt, quite patient, and he was gradually approaching the elusive cat he named ‘Cinnabon.’
When he observed him lingering about his house, he saw that the small kitten was rather skinny, and while he didn’t pay much attention to it at first, he decided to drop some tuna in his yard.

Despite Lex’s gesture, the cat did not approach him; he appeared terrified of humans; yet, Cinnabon used to come in quest of food, so Lex maintained putting him water and food in his yard to ensure the feline had something to eat.

Lex gradually got more interested in the homeless cat and decided to build a little house for him in his yard to serve as a sanctuary in the cold evenings, and it was a wonderful surprise to learn that Cinnabon entered the small house filled of blankets to rest.

Lex stated to The Dodo:
“He was outside my house, eating from his small dish of food and drink. And if he saw me on the other side of the glass, he’d flee.”

Lex stated:
“I recall seeing him in his house through the window. He had his gaze fixed on me. He simply bowed his head and fell asleep. When he was sleeping in the house, I believed it was a critical time. It’s like becoming a member of the family.”

Despite the two’s efforts, Cinnabon was hesitant to approach Lex; it would take a bit longer for the homeless cat to trust him.

Lex spotted the cat meowing in the snow through the glass door one of many days, the man believed Cinnabon, still somewhat apprehensive about entering the home, tried to entice him with goodies, and once inside the house, the cat eventually allowed Lex to approach and pat him.

Cinnabon and Lex are now family, and the cat prefers remaining at home by his side, despite the fact that the guy normally keeps his yard door open for the cat to walk out and back anytime he wants.

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1 Response

  1. July 30, 2023

    […] hоmeless man, Bernard, has a fascinating past. He is well-liked and well-knоwn thrоughоut the […]

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