A Dog And Cheetah Met As Babies, And It Set The Stage For Years To Come

Love transcends species, and that’s been proven time and time again. And the more unlikely the duo, the more adorable the relationship is… That’s why “The Story of Cheetah Cub Ruuxa & Puppy Pal Raina” is one video you need to see!
Meet Ruuxa the cheetah and Raina the dog from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. These two furry creatures truly represent an embodiment of the phrase ‘best friends forever,’ and their story is one that will warm your heart.
A mother cheetah will have a litter with 3 to 5 cubs, but they can have up to nine cubs in one litter. At the San Diego Zoo, Ruuxa was the only cub in his litter. Mother cheetahs will often abandoned single cubs because their instincts tell them that the one pup won’t survive in the wild.
So, when Ruuxa was abandoned by his mother, the zoo staff stepped in. The zoo staff wanted to give the baby cheetah a companion since he had no siblings, they chose an 8-week old Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy named Raina for the job!
San Diego Zoo
The zoo plans to have Raina and Ruuxa spend their lives together. Raina’s body language will help keep Ruuxa calm if the zoo ever needs to move him to another habitat or when he faces an unfamiliar situation.
San Diego Zoo
It wasn’t long before the zookeepers realized Ruuxa’s front legs were not developing properly. He had been born with a growth abnormality called chondrodysplasia. Ruuxa’s legs were not growing straight, they were growing in a bow shape.
Keepers were worried this would prevent Ruuxa from being able to run. The zoo’s veterinarians performed corrective surgery on September 3, 2014.
San Diego Zoo
Raina never left her buddy alone. During Ruuxa’ recovery, Raina was there. She was gentle with him and left his bandages alone.
San Diego Zoo
Thanks to Raina, Ruuxa completely recovered! Today, at one and a half years old, Ruuxa competes in the Shiley’s Cheetah Run! Ruuxa and Raina, are more like siblings than friends.
San Diego Zoo
They share a special bond that is beautiful to see! Watch them below!