10 Incredible Archaeological Finds They Didn’t Tell You About In School I didn`t know that either…

I wanted to be Indiana Jones as a kid. The problem is, archaeology is a lot harder of a degree to obtain than one in English. It’s also way more boring. Admittedly, the life of an archaeologist probably isn’t as exciting as the Nazi-punching adventures of Dr. Jones.

1. L’Anse aux Meadows: Many believe that it was Columbus who discovered the New World, but this settlement in Newfoundland proves that the Vikings were the first to settle in North America. The site was built 1,000 years ago, and was able to support 30 to 160 Vikings.



The vikings were into North America before it was cool!

2. Saksaywaman: This complex fortress sits on the outskirts of Cusco, Peru, the former capital of the Incan empire. The rocks are so tightly fit together you can’t even slip a piece of paper between them.



Also, the Incans managed to build this without mortar. If you know anything about construction (I don’t), this is pretty important to the process.

3. Mohenjo-daro: This town was built in 2600 BCE in present-day Pakistan. It is one of the first examples of city-planning in human history. It has roads and even a draining system similar to a sewer.



The city was mysteriously abandoned seven centuries after it was founded. It wasn’t rediscovered until 1922. How do you lose a whole city like this?

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