Hero diver rescues a whale entangled in fishing line (Video)

If Northern right whales have an opinion of people, it’s likely a negative one. For centuries, the species was a favorite target among whalers, a sad fact that has driven the whales to near-extinction.

 And although it may be impossible to ever fully make amends for that, one recent act of interspecies solidarity is proving that there are still brave ambassadors of our better nature.

 While cruising 50 miles offshore of Virginia Beach yesterday, two local fishermen, Captain Pat Foster and his mate Adrian Colaprete, happened upon an endangered Northern right whale that had become hopelessly entangled in rope and was laboring out to sea dragging heavy fishing gear. After assessing the situation and determining that the animal would likely perish if left in those dire straits, the two-man team decided extend the whale a helping hand.


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