A rescuer refuses to leave his 450 animals in Ukraine. He said: I’d rather lo.se my life with them.

What an amazing kind hearted brave guy…!❤️✨

What a wonderful man, pray this man and his beloved animals stay safe 🙏 💕

Andrea Cisternino has been living in Ukraine for 13 years, not far from Kyiv, where he created his own award-winning animal shelter. Originally a fashion photographer from Italy, Cisternino married a Ukrainian woman. He tells us that they don’t want to have to a.ban.don the 450 animals they have rescued so far in his shelter.

The Italia JK2 refuge is located, in which more than 450 animals of various species live, from horses to chickens. Andrea Cisternino is the founder of the animal shelter that [sh.oc.ked] the world with his decision to stay by their side to protect them

Andrea said: Now I have to think about saving a shelter and it’s more than 450 guests who deserve to be protected at all costs, that’s what I will do.
Despite the [se.rio.us ri.sk] of staying in the area, Andrea is so committed to protecting the animals that he cannot conceive of a.ban.do.ning them.

The shelter has facilities of “20 thousand square” meters separated into various areas: one for dogs and cats; another for grazing cows and horses; another for chicken coops, warehouses, kitchens, stables, and finally a [ve.terinary cli.nic].

You are a truly kind and and caring man to stay with your beloved animals. You possess a very good heart! It’s a very brave decision, but done from love! ❤️

Many prayers coming your way, and for your beloved animals!🙏🙏❤️ You are a wonderful man to stay with them. 🙏🙏🐾❤

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2 Responses

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