10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Crazy Horse Lakota Warrior
Crazy Horse is a legendary Lakota Man who walked this earth in the late 1800s. His name is still very well known as his legend lives on through the years after his demise.
Let’s get into the Legendary Crazy Horse and find out the top 10 things you should know about this Lakota Warrior.

1. Crazy horse is not his original name.
In fact he was born with the name Čháŋ Óhaŋ (Among the Trees) and took on the Pȟehíŋ Yuȟáȟa (Curly) or Žiží (Light Hair) as nicknames because of his lighter complexion.
His grandfathers name was Crazy Horse and the name got passed down to his dad. After showing great deeds as a fine young man his dad passed down the name to Crazy Horse and took on the new name Worm.
2. Crazy Horse Father – Crazy Horse (the elder), also known as Waglúla (“Worm”)
Crazy Horse’s father was a healer/medicine man. He lost his wife shortly after Crazy Horse was born and after saving a camp from an invasion he was gifted 3 wives from a chief. Their names were Iron Between Horns (mother of half-brother Little Hawk), Kills Enemy, and Red Leggins
3. Crazy Horse’s Mother – Rattling Blanket Woman or Tȟašína Ȟlaȟlá Wiŋ
Crazy Horse’s mother passed away when he was just a child. The woman in his tribe stepped in to help take care of Crazy Horse. This was how kinship worked with tribes.
4. Love for Black Buffalo Woman

Black Buffalo Woman was a lady from a prominent family within the Lakota Tribe. Many men lined up outside of her lodge to be put forward as potential suitors.
Crazy Horse put himself within the line of many potential men who would become her husband. Crazy Horse was growing in reputation as a fine young warrior who is brave and courageous.
Black Buffalo Woman was not given to Crazy Horse but instead given to another high family within the tribe to a man named “No Water”.
I had heard that after his death his parents were able to take his body into the Black Hills and bury him where he could not be found. Is that a true story?