Tagged: pet insurance


What Breed Of Dog Is Most Preferred By The Rich

When it comes to pets, the world’s wealthiest people are most interested in dogs than cats. but what breed of dog is most preferred by the rich. kiwiwell made a list of the most preferred...


22 Expensive Dogs Only Rich People Can Afford

Dogs are more to us than just pets. Over the years, man has come to take dogs as allies and friends. some dog breeds are available to all people but some breeds only rich people...


How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?

Planning for your pet to have an accident or injury is impossible. Luckily, having pet insurance may be able to provide pet owners with financial coverage for approved expenses covered by their policy.2  The National...


Can My Cat/Dog Get COVID-19?

Yes, both cats and dogs can get infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. However, CDC (Centers for Disease and Control Prevention) research has found that cats may spread the virus to other similar species...