Elder Speaks: 8 Native American father code and ethics every dad needs to follow

7-Share your traditions and your community Your children will feel more connected if they know about their community and their traditions. These will be a source of comfort and support when times are difficult. It will help them know who they are, and to take pride

8-Teach your child: Children look to their father to teach them about life. A great way to do this is to learn about your own heritage and culture. Learn about your past and where you came from. Pass this along to your children.

Father and child Powwow: Photo Credit: Mike R. Jackson

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4 Responses

  1. MohammedKassimu says:

    It is Inhuman, Inhumane, Unjustifiable and Barbaric for a civilized society to continuously mistreat and subjugate another time and again.

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