We usually hear human beings sacrificing their lives to save strangers. But a simple act of a dog’s sacrifice has left behind a tale to tell.

Hero Dog Sacrifices Himself Save His Human – Dog Rescue

When a cobra appeared in the pair’s garden in South Africa, Spike didn’t hesitate to save his favorite person, despite the danger which sadly cost the brave canine his life only thirty minutes later.

Louise Grobler, his human, was on the phone when the snake made its way onto her property. Engrossed in her conversation, the dog-lover did not notice the reptile that was slowly approaching her. Luckily, Spike, without a moment’s hesitation, jumped in and bit the snake, managing to .ᴋ.ɪʟʟ it.
However, the canine was pierced by one of the cobra’s fangs in the process, and .ᴛ.ʀ.ᴀɢɪᴄᴀʟʟʏ, there was nothing that could be done to save him. Louise described the tragic event:

Spike was a hero, by attacking the snake he saved my life. I was so close to the snake, I think if Spike didn’t jump up and grab it by its neck, it could have .ʙɪ.ᴛᴛᴇɴ me as well. As soon as I realized what was happening, I ran next door to get my neighbor for help, but when I got back Spike had already ᴋ.ɪʟʟed the cobra.

Soon after locals heard of the selfless act of bravery by the dog, and as the news spread, Blue Cross volunteers were thronged with huge responses for praising the pups.

One can never deny the fact that God’s creations have some humanity still left deep inside them. And you don’t need to be human to sense it!

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1 Response

  1. June 13, 2023

    […] good news here is that the hero dog’s work isn’t for nothing. Make sure to wait until the end of this video to learn what happened […]

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