Cops Show Up With Riot Shields In Park Where Kids Gather For Friendly Football Game
It’s rare that you see police officers engaging in a snowball battle, but that’s just what a group of officers in Washington did one afternoon.
A few officers arrived at a park where a group of kids were playing. They had the lights and sirens on and appeared intimidating to the children.
However, the children didn’t expect what the officers were going to do when they got out of their vehicles.
Each officer had a riot shield in place. It seemed like they didn’t want the kids playing in the snow.
The children thought that they would have to leave the park and go home.
The officers started lining up to approach the children. As the officers get closer to the kids, the children learn that they are only there for a fun time.
After all, the officers did speed along a snowy road just to get to the park where innocent kids were playing when they could have been dealing with other people in the town.
When the officers reached the field, they weren’t going to have any mercy on the kids as they started throwing snowballs!
The kids threw snowballs back at the officers as they hid behind their riot gear.
The group of officers soon broke apart, and it was each man for himself as a few of them fell in the snow.
Laughter was heard across the park that day as cops and kids played together.