10 Must See Native American Movies Based on True Stories

Indian Horse | Native American Movies

The Movie Indian Horse tells one of the stories of attending Residential Schools and Surviving. It was said that you were more likely to die in Residential schools then going to World War 2.

In this movie it follows a Native American boy named Saul Indian Horse, who becomes a star hockey player. It was from his talents and skills as a hockey player that helps him navigate through a lot of the dark things that happened during this time.

Many Children of the Parents who went to residential schools feel the Inter-Generational trauma. There are a lot of drugs and alcohol present in homes, broken families, roller coaster of emotions, chaos, and much more.

The Residential Schools were made after the Indian Act was formed after the signing of Treaties between First Nations and Settlers of Canada.

The Indian Act wanted to take the “Indian” out of the children.

One way to do this was to control the situation with Schools.

The Schools took a Native American Child and robbed them of their identity. They cut their braids off, forbid them to speak their Native Language, dressed them differently, they could not sing their songs, and abused them in unspeakable ways.

As many as 6,000 students died in Residential schools that ran from 1876 to 1996. Every year on September 30th, people in Canada celebrate Orange Shirt day to Honour the children who have attended Residential Schools across the Country.

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3 Responses

  1. David John Ellis says:


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