10 Incredible Archaeological Finds They Didn’t Tell You About In School I didn`t know that either…

4. The Gate of the Sun: Located in west Bolivia, this gate is the precisely cut, megalithic stone archway of the Tiwanaku empire. The empire stretched from Peru to parts of Bolivia 1500 years ago. It was the most powerful South American nation before the Incans.



Scholars believe this might not be the original location of the archway, suggesting a bizarre, Stonehenge-like situation here.

5. Stone Age tunnels: Just a few years ago, archaeologists found a new, underground network of tunnels built by people of the Stone Age. It stretches from Scotland, through Europe, and into Turkey.



They are calling it a “highway,” but given that most of the tunnels are only 70 cm wide in diameter, it’s more like the playground in a Chuck E Cheese’s.

6. The Longyou Grottoes: Located in Zhejiang, China, these man-made caves date all the way back to 212 BCE. The most interesting part about them are the meticulously made markings that run along the walls and ceiling that are all evenly spaced at a 60 degree axis.



I feel like people back then were just bored a lot. This would never happen in the age of Netflix.

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