10 Adorable Pets Who Were Publicly Shamed For Behaving badly

6. True Story

Credits: idahocowgirl5

My husband and I went out to the garage to feed our black lab thus leaving the ferrets to their own devices. After a short time we returned to the following:
1. Someone had opened one of my husband’s Harbor Freight emails and searched for item number “1q”””smffmnnnn”. There were no results.
2. Wesley (on the left) had ordered a Samsung Galaxy S4 for $180 using the ever so convenient Amazon one-click option.
3. Ryan (right) turned off the power strip which supplied the laptop, phone charger, ferret litter box ventilation fans, and the internet, but not before Wesley’s purchase went through.
This is a true story. We canceled the order. We weren’t really sure what to put in the explanation box.

Many future difficulties can be avoided, according to the Kennel Club’s Head of Health and Welfare, if animals are given a variety of beneficial new experiences as early as possible.

“With older dogs, you may need help from a specialist trainer such as the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme or with a Kennel Club Accredited Instructor.”

Lambert believes that positive reinforcement may be used to discipline dogs without embarrassing them.

“As the owner, you should take every opportunity to praise your dog for good manners, and instead of punishing them, divert them away from undesirable behavior, as this will reinforce the correct behavior.”

“It is unfair and also counterproductive to punish them for something after the incident has taken place as they don’t know what they are being punished for. If you do catch your dog doing something that it shouldn’t, interrupt them and then distract them with a toy or a game and then praise them once they have stopped and are settled,” he added.

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